Are You Stuck?
We help you to discover the solutions within you.
Picture Description: Painting of koi in water surrounded by seaweed.
I'm Rooting for You!
Are you at an impasse? Stuck and trying to find clarity?
The bad news is that I do not provide answers. The good news is you do. I will facilitate and hold space to empower you to determine what is best for you. Let me help you discover your own solutions.
I use intuitive tools and my P.L.A.Y. Method to help you uncover the best solutions to move forward and be empowered to act to make change.
The Large Print: Legal Disclaimer Notice. The information contained within the Things to Think About, LLC Website and the services provided are not a substitute for professional advice such as a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, or Counselor. The information provided by Things to Think About, LLC does not constitute legal or professional advice nor is it intended to be.
"After launching my HR & Organisational Development business in October 2019, the pandemic and 2020 accelerated a move into the diversity and inclusion industry that quickly presented physical and emotional challenges. I was unprepared for the fast pace, the emotional purging, and the financial losses. Imposter syndrome promptly set in, and managing my business and clients became overwhelming. Stacy’s approach with The Clarity Playshop worked for me like nothing else; it was the paradigm shift I needed. After one session, I moved from feeling stuck, foggy and on the verge of despair to publishing a platform that now hosts a collection of HR and company culture digital resources that is currently helping 100s of scaling organisations create work cultures where people belong and thrive. "
"Wow such a valueable nugget...or 2!"
"This is so spot on!"
"I'm actually going to print it. Thank you for your wisdom."
"I was scared about what it would reveal, but the writing was so caring, and gentle, and encouraging."
"Very useful....I plan to use with a client"
"OMG! Super Useful."
Various clients
“When Stacy sent me the message - I was feeling a bit down about the direction I wanted to go. Her TTTA really hit home and solidified EXACTLY what I was feeling and helped me realize that I have a choice in the matter. I have the power to choose to believe what will empower me. If I want something, I HAVE to go get it. It helped me boost my mood and took me out of a funk that morning. It was truly something I didn’t know I needed that came unexpectedly at the perfect time! It also made me realize how powerful it is when a friend knows what you are feeling without ever having to tell them!”
Lisa B.
"I've found them to be insightful and they have given me things to think about that I would not have thought about on my own."
Justin C.
Set Yourself Up for Success
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Reading is difficult for me, can it be an audio?
Things To Think About works very hard to be inclusive. We can provide your bespoke communication as an audio file.
Land Acknowledgement
Land Acknowledgement
Things to Think About, LLC would like to acknowledge that we live and work in the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the Unconquered Seminole Tribe of Florida people past, present, and future. We honor the land with gratitude for their stewardship throughout the generations. We commit to learning how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well. Click on the link to learn more about the Seminole Tribe of Florida (semtribe.com)
© 2018