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Things To Think About, Monday, August 27th, 2018

Happy Monday, or whatever Monday you choose.

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Today is the start of a new week.Today is a unique opportunity. Today you can be reborn to a new you. Today you can take inspiration and energy from the fact that yesterday is over and tomorrow has not happened. Get out of the rut. Look for new things. What excites you? What are you passionate about? You can be bold and courageous if you choose. When is the last time you brainstormed, or daydreamed, or colored with crayons? I am sure you have been thinking about what you want to accomplish. Dreams without actions are wishful thinking. Are you ready to grab hold of the brass ring?

But, and there is always a but – to be renewed, you have to die to old ways of thinking. Are you ready to surrender? Are you prepared to accept what is? At my old job, we used to lay down on the rug and gain a new perspective. I know, gross, but it was invigorating. You do not need to literally upend yourself to get a different outlook. Like the character Whitely Gilbert from the television show, A Different World says; “Relax, Relate, Release." Be at peace with the unknown. Sometimes life is like getting a cat to do something. My cat does not do anything until it is good and ready. So it is with life; don’t try and force it. Have you really looked at your situation? Try and look at today with new eyes. What are you willing to sacrifice?

Why are you hesitating? Every action is a choice. We make decisions all the time. If you have not made your peace and surrendered to the unknown, you may be paralyzed by inaction for fear of making the “wrong” choice. Pain is a useful tool for instruction. Are the same old thoughts running around on the treadmill of your mind? Get off the treadmill and really look at them. Put aside your feelings and review them as if a stranger seeing them for the first time. Do you deny the truth of the matter? Ignorance may be bliss, but it keeps you stuck. Today can be a new day if you allow it. Disrupt your old patterns.

What's next? Give back to others. We can get so wrapped up in our problems that we forget that other people are in the same boat. We think we are the only person shouldering a heavy burden. Carry the load for someone else. Your own problems may seem lighter. We come back to perspective and being attached to the meaning that you place on a situation. Your reality is very subjective and can be changed if you are willing to look at it through a different lens. Are you grateful for what you have received? Maybe you are taking many things in your life for granted. What is coming in and what is going out? Are you paying attention to how you use your resources? Do you know your flow? Your life is the manifestation of your thoughts. If you only look at what is not going well, you will find all the other things that are failing. If instead, you look at how to get out of the quagmire, you will soon find purchase on dry land step by step. Today is a new day. The choice is yours.

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